My good buddy Kendra came all the way from Del
čevo (almost on the Bulgarian border) to help me facilitate the final PDM for the western regional sheep-breeders association. Coming off of three PDMs delivered in rapid succession I was rarin' to go (really I was rarin' to be finished with PDMs) but I couldn't have done it without Kenny. In this final session with the sheep-breeders we covered writing an Action Plan, a budget, and how to conduct monitoring and evaluating projects.
If anyone is curious why sheep-breeders need to know how to design and manage projects, I will tell you why (soapbox time). In a period of increasing donor dependence, Land O'Lakes sees teaching the sheep-breeders associations the valuable skills of project design and management as a vital step toward sustainability and financial independence.
With the skills acquired at these workshops, the sheep-breeders will be able to better prioritize their needs and design projects to manage those needs. After participating in these workshops they have the skill and confidence to implement and effectively manage their projects, the know-how to anticipate pitfalls throughout the process, and the knowledge to evaluate the impacts (I hope anyway).
In the photo above is one of my favorite members of the western regional Sheep-Breeders association, Gjuro. He is working on putting together a hypothetical action plan (with coaching from the other participants, not pictured)